Speed Attack Hack Aion

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Speed Attack Hack Aion 3,7/5 3414 votes
Intuitive.Velocitas - Speedhack, No Animation Hack

AION HACK CHEAT GENERATOR TRAINER SPEED HACK AND MORE. Spata servers who use. Test showing difference between cast speed and attack speed. Left: 8% Cast Speed. Right: 19% Attack.

  • No Animation Hack
  • Speedhack
  • Select Target Process (some Hackshields change aion.bin's name to something else)

Versions: - 2.6.0.X

Virustotal: Scan
To use set a hotkey click in the textbox (dark gray) and press any key.
Now just go ingame and press the selected key to activated/deactivate hacks or change the speed.
When you untick Speed/Noanimation hack they do not vanish! you need to jump or change weapon to reset them.
I recommend renaming the .exe to something like 'firefox.exe'.
Some virus scanners may say this is a virus/trojan. This is because it is protected with .NET Reactor.
It is no virus - If you do not trust my word just don't use the program.
Some people get freeze on the game while trying to run this tool, I've tested and got some tip I found out that I can click on the 'Speedhack' and 'No Animation' boxes without problems if Aion is not on. Hack freezes only if aion is on.
I don't take any credit, all credit's goes to Jay.
But If i helped you to find it, you can thanks me =]
Enjoy It.

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Another cheat for aion, known as speedhack, with this speed hack, it will be visible to everyone, you will run superfast, and the cast delay for skills are 0.
Part One:
First you will need to download this
It is known as speed gear, it is a tool which will speed up all processes on your pc, whether it be internet explorer or any kind of game.
Anyway, if you are familiar with infinite aion then i won't need to explain how to download it, but if you need infinite aion, please just google it ^^.Attack

Aion Pvp Hacks

Anyway 2nd Part, ok this part is the game guard killer, which most of you should already have known from my previous topics and multi topics in this section so i wont explain.
Ok first of all
Launch speed gear
Target : Change Speed For All Windows
Launch infiniteaion

Attack Speed Hack Aion

(Everything should be going fast)
Log In
Go On Your Char
And happy speed hacking
With this hack you will travel at the speed of light, and no skill delay.
And as i said before, do not use normal attack, the reason you get a D/C is because the atk speed is limited inside Aion, it has nothing to do with patching just the fact that the max Attack speed is limited.
Anyway, all thanks + rep to me, and if you find the gameguard killer in this section, thank the creator, and thank me if my speed hack has helped you.
That is all, more will be coming soon, when it is out of open beta.,
*REMEMBER, DONT NORMAL ATTACK, You also only have 30 trys with speedgear, so just keep it on at all times, unless u have to restart your pc Lol.