How To Install Honeyd On Kali

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How To Install Honeyd On Kali 4,2/5 4709 votes

I am very new to linux and Iam just following online instructions on how to install honeyd on linux machine. I downloaded the tar.gz file. extracted it and then configure. but when it comes to the make stage. an eroor show that make:* no targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.

How Install and setup a honeypot last updated October 10, 2006 in Categories FreeBSD, Linux, Monitoring, Networking, Security, Tips Honeypot is a computer system set up as a trap for computer attackers.

I manage to install the pre requisite like libevent using the same method. libpcap on the other hand has the make:* error too but I manage to install it using sudo apt-get command. Thanks for your help.

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3 Answers

Please provide the complete error output.

Maybe the honeyd FAQ is a starting point for you


There was an error when you can ./configure, so the Makefile didn't get generated. Paste the last dozen lines or so of the ./configure output.


If you're using a Debian based Linux distribution, the easiest way is to install honeyd as a .deb package. F.e. like this:

How To Install Honey D

Then you can install rrdtool with apt-get:

.. and adjust the configuration files /etc/default/honeyd and /etc/honeypot/honeyd.conf

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How To Install Honeyd On Kali Linux

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